Is Bevoline FDA approved?

How long does a 60 mL and the 100 mL bottle last?
It depends a lot on the size of the affected area. For example, if you only have acne on your cheeks, it would last a lot longer than if the affected area is on your face, neck, and back. A person with an average amount of acne should be using around 2mL/day, this will yield 30 days for the 60mL and 50 days for the 100 mL bottle.

Will Bevoline dry my skin and/or cause my skin to itch?
No. Bevoline is formulated to maintain your skin at the correct pH level.

Does Bevoline get rid of Acne Scars as well?
Bevoline is proven to be effective for patients with light acne scarring. However, we currently do not have enough data to prove or disprove its effectiveness for patients with deep acne scars.

How long will it take Bevoline to get rid of my acne?
Results vary tremendously on several factors like: the severity of your acne, hormone stage, hormone levels, pore size, the amount of acidity produced by your skin, your local environment (dirt and bacteria), habits (ex: picking your pimples or leaning on your hand), Hobbies (sports, gym, etc.), and diet. With that said, on average, we have found that a person with moderate acne, clears up in a week or less. Acne scarring will take anywhere from one to three months.

The instruction mentions to only use Bevoline once a day. If I apply it more often, would that speed up my recovery?
No, it will not. Bevoline is designed to get rid of acne while giving your skin time to heal. It is acceptable to apply Bevoline once or even twice in a 24 hour period. Applying it more than twice a day will be counter productive.

The instruction mentions to apply a thin layer over the affected area, how do I know if I am applying the right amount?
When you apply Bevoline on the affected area it should dry clear. If it dries white, you are applying too much. Applying too much will not help or harm your skin, but to get the most out of your Bevoline bottle, we recommend that you apply a thin clear layer only on the areas prone to acne.

If I miss applying Bevoline a day or two will it erase all the progress that I’ve made?
No. The beauty of Bevoline is that it is formulated to improve your skin in incremental levels. When you start to use Bevoline again, it will continue from where you left off.

Can I use other acne products while using Bevoline?
We strongly discourage using other acne products while on Bevoline. Bevoline is pH balanced to work with your skin, using other medications, even if it’s between sessions, will throw your pH balance off giving you unwanted results.

Should I wash the affected area more often?
Surprisingly, no. We recommend that you wash your face no more than twice a day. Washing your face too often will remove the essential oils that protect your skin from bacteria.

When I’ve stopped using other acne products my acne got worse, will this also happen with Bevoline?
No. Our in our in-house study has shown that patients who discontinued using Bevoline after three months, remained at a significantly lower acne level than when they originally started.

I can not afford Bevoline what can I do?
We do not want anyone to be without Bevoline because of financial reasons. Management has developed several Customer Alliance programs to help those struggling financially. For example: one of the of the programs is called “Simple Before and After”, if a patient is willing to allow us to use their before, during, and after pictures for marketing purposes, we will provide Bevoline absolutely free for upto six months, just as long as they abide by the programs rules and regulations. To find out more about this and other programs write to with the subject line “Interested In Customer Alliance Programs”

Has Bevoline been tested on pregnant women?
No. Bevoline has not yet been tested on pregnant women. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you will need to ask your doctor if Bevoline is right for you. Show your doctor Bevoline’s drug facts by clicking here.

I’ve never heard of Bevoline, is this a new product?
Yes. Although the development of Bevoline began in our laboratories over a decade ago. It was not introduced to the public until the summer of 2014.